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Nouvelliste et romancier turc contemporain
Published by Yurt ve Dünya Kültür Yayınları, Ankara 1943; 2.ed. Bilgi Yayınları,Ankara 1972, 1-6.ed. Can Yayınları, Istanbul 2022
Bilbaşar's first novel is about the slow descent into depression of a small town school teacher, unable to adapt to his environment in the large city where he is newly assigned. This book is considered the first example of "psychological alienation" in the Turkish literature. (Oktay Ahmet, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Edebiyatı-Literature of the Republic Period, 1993)
Denizin Cagirisi (The Call of the Sea) is among the100 Best Novels of Turkish Literature selected by a jury of 100 literary critics, writers, academics, literature teachers and publishers hosted by the daily Hurriyet Pazar in 2017.
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